
Wibax Magazine


Wibax har investerat i Sveriges första 74-tons tankbil för transport av biooljor

Wibax has now commissioned a new efficient and environmentally friendly tanker for traffic along the Norrland coast. It is on route between Husum in the south to Kalix in the north that the transport department has granted the company an exemption application. The exemption covers transportation by a 15% higher payload than the present rules allow. The vehicle may carry up to 74 tons total weight; this is good for the industry and the environment. In addition, we plan to drive the vehicle on 100% HVO, renewable fuel. The project is a development project to demonstrate the potential for more efficient transportation for tanker transportation.

Today vehicles with a total weight of up to 64 tons are allowed on public roads. At the same time, the question of heavier and longer road trains is being investigated. The decision to go from 60 tons to 64 tons, which was decided in the summer, is an important step in the right direction, but it is only when you allow more efficient trucks, like the 74-ton trucks, that the really big benefits will present themselves.

In Sweden, a number of studies and demonstration projects with heavier vehicles have been carried out with good results. To load more cargo on every run makes truck transportation more efficient, reduces emissions and fewer heavy vehicles on the roads. The vehicles are heavier, but not longer than conventional trucks, and because they are equipped with more axles the wear on the road will be the same. So far, this type of demonstration projects has been mainly implemented in timber and wood transport. But with Wibax project liquid transport is also in the mix.