How the Group is managed
The Wibax Group AB consists of the following companies: Wibax Sweden AB, Wibax Finland Oy, Wibax Norway AS, Wibax Sales AB, Wibax Sales Oy, Wibax Sales AS, Wibax Logistics AB, Wibax Logistics Oy and Wibax Production AB.
This is what the corporate governance structure looks like.
Owners, management group and Board of Directors
- Bo Wiklund, grundare och delägare i Wibax Group AB
- Jonas Wiklund, CEO Wibax Group AB (delägare)
- David Wiklund, CEO Wibax Sales AB, (delägare)
- Andreas Wiklund, Chief of House Property, Wibax Sweden AB (delägare)
- Jonas Wiklund, CEO Wibax Group AB
- Kristoffer Överhem, CFO Wibax Group AB
- Anna Bergvall, Chief of QSE Wibax Group AB
- Andreas Wiklund, Chief of House Property Wibax Sweden AB
- Annica Pettersson, Chief of HR Wibax Group AB
- Magnus Sundström, CEO Wibax Logistics AB
- David Wiklund, CEO Wibax Sales AB
- Markus Holmlund, CEO Wibax Production AB
- Fredrik Nyberg, CBDO Wibax Group AB
- Tero Väyrynen, CEO Wibax Finland Oy
- Tore Johnsson, CEO Wibax Sweden AB
- Anders Snell, Chairman of the Board since 2011
MSc Engineering in Chemistry from the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology
Senior consultant Anders Snell Business consultant. Other directorships:
Board Member Teknikkonsulten ÅF, Executive Board Member ÅForsk Foundation
Previous employment: Senior Vice-President BillerudKorsnäs, Senior Vice-President Assi Domän, CEO Grycksbo Finpappersbruk, CEO Norrsundet Bruks AB
- Rolf Back, Member of the Board since 1995
Doctor of Economics at Stockholm School of Economics. Has held a number of posts as CEO at companies of varying size in different industries and also several directorships. Has been Research Manager at GI – IHR at Stockholm University and
Professor at Luleå University of Technology. Member of The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) and member of Norrbottensakademien.
- Stina Blombäck, Member of the Board since 2015
MSc Engineering in Chemistry from the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology. CEO, Senior Consultant for Brännbacken Projekt AB. Other directorships, including at Luleå Energi AB and Part Construction AB. Previous employment: Sustainability and Energy Director, Billerud-Korsnäs AB, CEO Billerud Karlsborg AB.
- Lars Eric Aaro, Member of the Board since 2016
Mining Engineer (M.Sc.) from Luleå University of Technology.
Employment history: Independent industrial advisor and member/chairman of eight different boards in total. Previously worked as CEO and Group CEO of LKAB, Division Manager at Boliden, and in various senior positions at what is now Billerud and Epiroc Secoroc. Member of the Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences and recipient of an honorary doctorate from LTU (Ph. D. h.c.)
- Bo Wiklund, Owner and Member of the Board
Engineer, founder and majority shareholder in the WIBAX Group.
Year 2022 >>