
Wibax Magazine


Seminar - Joint opportunities for bio-oil

Sigma Industry along with heavy industry participants invites to a theme day focusing on bio-oil in Umeå!
How does the market look like? What will happen in the future? Questions worth keeping under watch for the success of future investments and business!

Present will be well-known product owners and experts in the industry, including Wibax Biofuels. They are present and will answer questions about Bio oil. David Wiklund, CEO Wibax Biofuels lectures on bio oil between the hours. 12:30 to 13:45.

Location: Bar & Grill, Rådhustorget(Town Hall Square) Umeå
Date: Thursday, November 5th – 09:00 to about 15:00
Registration: before October 30

For registration and more information, please contact: Christopher Kollberg, Sigma Industry, 070-520 32 74070-520 32 74, kristoffer.kollberg@sigma.se

Link to Sigma’s website: https://sigmaindustry.se/news/sigma-industry-leder-biooljeseminarium/

Warm welcome!