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Healthy and responsible transport

Wibax's combined resources provide special opportunities to create efficient logistics, offering benefits for economy, energy and the environment. We have about 55 vehicles in Sweden and 15 vehicles in Finland. It includes net-effective vehicles for short-distance transport as well as others that offer the potential to combine road, sea and rail freight. Our vehicles have non-rusting and rubberised tanks for transporting a wide range of chemicals.

Efficient logistics flows

Our secure delivery chain supplies our customers in the Nordic region with products via tanker truck, and we can also pump products over to smaller cisterns and IBC containers. Wibax delivery trucks service is used for the delivery of chemicals packaged in IBCs, drums, cans or as dry goods in sacks. We tailor a logistics solution to meet your needs, and we can also offer stock control. The vehicle is staffed by Wibax’s personnel to ensure good knowledge about the handling of chemicals.

In 2021, Wibax, together with Scania, launched the world’s first electric ADR-approved tanker truck with a total weight of 64 tonnes.

Wibax Logistics was named Sweden’s best haulage company in 2013, when we were handed the Stora Åkeripriset award. Through good planning and combinations of various modes of transport, storage and return flows, we are able to minimise return freight and create effective logistics flows for our customers. The company was named in 2018 as one of three finalists in the Transport Companies Sustainability Prize.

The Swedish haulage sector’s trade organisation, the Swedish Association of Road Transport Companies, is working to achieve the healthy and profitable development of our sector. We contribute to this work as members. Wibax Logistics is also a member of Fair Transport, where responsible haulage companies adopt a stance on healthy transport.

As a company, we drive in a roadworthy manner, think climate smart and offer good working conditions. Our drivers are trained in safety and environmental issues and with the help of active measures and new support systems, they have developed more efficient and sustainable ways of driving. Our sustainability initiatives also include working with fossil-free fuels and increasing the net load for vehicles with a total weight of 74 tons which are now allowed on parts of the road network, in order to reduce the number of deliveries. A higher shipment weight results in lower CO2 emissions per transported ton, as it leads to fewer journeys and greater utility.

Wibax’s tanker trucks are stationed in strategic locations with depots. Our position as one of Sweden’s largest bulk suppliers has been further strengthened through continued investments in our terminals for storage of liquid products.

Thanks to our fleet of tanker trucks and terminals throughout Sweden, we are always close to you, our customer. This allows for rapid delivery, tailored to suit your needs. If you require additional products from our range, we can offer combined delivery. Quick, easy, good for both you as a customer and for the environment.

Fossil free road transport with Wibax 
In order to succeed in combating climate change, we must act together to reduce our emissions and our dependence on fossil fuels. Wibax works in a goal-oriented way to reduce fossil fuel dependence, and we aim to lead in the transition to fossil free, heavy road transport. As part of our commitment to reduce fossil fuel dependence, we offer fossil free road transport using HVO, to customers seeking to reduce their carbon footprint*.

Based on the contract we establish with the customer, we receive information about how much fuel is required to cover the customer’s transport needs. We then use a mass balance to demonstrate and ensure that Wibax uses the corresponding volume of HVO** based on our customer orders. At the end of the year, declarations are provided to the customer, showing the amount of fuel used, and the difference made in carbon footprint and fossil CO2 emissions.

*Wibax cannot guarantee that specific, individual transports will be carried out using HVO, as trucks are fuelled based on the optimal logistics flow, to prevent the need for longer transport routes for refuelling. Wibax shall have the option to terminate the contract for HVO fuelling of customer transports, if no suitable product is available on the market. Based on future technological developments, other fossil free options may be used instead, such as biogas or electricity.

**HVO or hydrogenated vegetable oil is a type of biodiesel, chemically identical or near-identical to fossil diesel, and therefore able to replace fossil diesel to 100%.

Wibax Environmental Goals
100 percent of own transports should be electrified by 2030 – and also 100 percent powered by self-produced electricity.

Safety and distinctions
ISO 9001 Certified
ISO 14001 Certified
Q3 Forum for sustainable transport, member
Stora Åkeripriset, management, 2012
Stora Åkeripriset 2013 award
Driver training SSG Entré as well as ADR and CPC
Greater Than Drive for economic training of drivers
Alcohol ignition locks
Traffic safety policy
Vehicle data system

Transport agreements
Alltrans 2007 >>
Alltrans 2007 (eng) >>
Bulk 91 >>

Wibax Logistics
Around 70 tanker trucks
Modern vehicle fleet, average age 3 years, Euro 6 and higher
Multimodal traffic with shipping, rail, trucks and terminals
Logistics from quay to customer
Level monitoring
Goods vehicle
Electric tanker truck
Own rail containers
Efficient transport for optimum environmental performance and overall economy

Contact us

If you have any questions or would like to know more about our services, please contact me.

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