
Wibax Magazine


More women choose Wibax: "I love going to work"

Half of the drivers employed at Wibax so far in 2024 are women. This means that today a total of 27 percent of drivers who work at the company's locations around Sweden are women.
"I have always wanted to drive a tanker. I noticed Wibax as the trucks often drive past where I live", says Mikaela Sehlstedt.

A murmur spreads in the conference room at Wibax headquarters in Piteå. It is unusual for such a large group of the company’s drivers to gather in this way. But now they sit around a long table – discussing loading times, radio communications and road conditions.

“When I started at Wibax in 2019, I was the only girl here in Piteå. In just a few years, things have completely changed. It wasn’t bad then by any means. But of course, it’s fun to have more colleagues who are women”, says Sandra Fuhrman.

A total of 30 women work as truck drivers at Wibax today. That makes 27 percent, still a far cry from equality. But the numbers are good, really good, by national standards. The national average is currently 9 percent, and if you look outside Sweden’s borders, it looks even worse.

“As an employer, you want a mixed group of employees to bring in new perspectives. Also, when it comes to factors such as gender, age and ethnicity. We clearly see a different interest in the industry than before. And we are constantly trying to recruit drivers in new ways and in new channels”, says Christoffer Caesar, HR coordinator at Wibax.

Half of the drivers employed at Wibax so far in 2024 are women. This means that the percentage of women at two of Wibax’ locations is over 30 percent, with Piteå in the lead at 36 percent.

“The fact that we have passed 30 percent feels a bit like a milestone. This is when a minority really starts to be able to make itself heard and gain influence. An equal work group makes it more fun for everyone to go to work and it becomes easier for us as an employer to retain staff regardless of gender, age or ethnicity. It is precisely in this direction that we want the transport industry to move”, says Christoffer Caesar.

A handful of the drivers who meet at Wibax headquarters have just been hired. For some this is a long-awaited career change, for others it is the first job after high school and vocational college.

“I have worked in healthcare for 25 years and felt that I wanted to do something different. I have friends who drive trucks and got interested through them. I got a truck licence during my pregnancy and looked for a job after my parental leave. It feels great”, says Linda Lundström.

She is seconded by Elin Ölund, who highlights the freedom of the driving profession.
“I like not having to sit in an office all day. You get to see so much at the same time as it is both challenging and developing. Wibax is also a large company, which feels safe and secure. The vehicles are always in good order, and you get proper introductory training.”

But while the male-dominated transport industry needs to bring in more perspectives, it also desperately needs all people. The shortage of professional drivers is great – both inside and outside of Sweden. The Transport Union’s Occupational and Work Environment Committee’s long-term assessment is that 50,000 new truck drivers are needed in Sweden over the next ten years.

“We clearly believe that you must have the courage to invest also in young drivers who have not had time to gain as much experience. Therefore, we have ongoing cooperation with the schools where we are located. And we see an increased interest”, says Christoffer Caesar.

This is confirmed in a new report from the Transport Union’s Occupational and Work Environment Committee. The percentage of girls who have applied to the upper secondary school transport programme has increased from 16 to 34 percent between 2015 and 2024. One explanation among others is that the increasing number of female role models has meant a lot.

“We have not actively gone out and said that we must have a certain percentage of female drivers. Therefore, it feels particularly great that we, especially in Piteå, have more female applicants than male applicants for our positions. I would like to employ more female drivers as it clearly gives us a different climate in the workplace. Young girls and boys now work here side by side with the older, experienced drivers. This is the exchange of experience we are looking for and are actually starting to achieve”, says Peter Kostet, Area Manager at Wibax.